US Education Rankings: 9 Strategies For Raising Education Rankings Thru Increasing Education’s Value

In researching this article, I noticed stats about economics and education. Yes, we know that the higher the education we have, the more money we make. This doesn’t address the VALUE OF EDUCATION TO THE STUDENT.

Education must hold value for students, whether this be getting an education to get a high paying job, ranking first in our class, feeling the satisfaction of learning, enlightening ourselves, pleasing our families. Value is personal, and we all invest in what has value on our own terms.

When we are young, especially, we need the guidance of our mentors, including educators, family, friends, society and media, any of which can lead us well or not. If we are taught that the most important thing is to spend 15 hours a day studying, we may believe it. If we are taught that education doesn’t matter because the salary per hour of slinging crack depends upon how much time we spend out of school, we still have a good chance of realizing that this is a bad lesson. If we are given a creative array of lessons that will affect how we value education, we have a better shot at building a foundation and understanding the positive nature of education for ourselves than if we are taught rote, unrelated facts.

I recall a running debate I had with a friend about responsibility and teaching. Was it the teacher’s job to do whatever it took to impart the lesson to the student who didn’t understand it the first time along with the others, or was it the student’s responsibility to study to the ends of the earth to understand the lesson?

I was raised in a progressive, nurturing household where learning was pleasurable, and I never felt fear in asking questions, in not understanding a lesson. I just said I needed help and got it. My opposing friend in this debate was raised by foreign parents. His father (by U.S. standards) oppressed him and brought fear to his heart that shook him should he not be first in the class. In this case, it looks like environment had a lot to do with our various sides.

I believe teachers should be willing to morph their methods in such a way that the lesson is understood by each student, also creating an atmosphere where the student loves the knowledge, doesn’t fear failure and blossoms because of it. My opposing friend was sure that any student who could not understand the lesson was not trying hard enough and had on her/his shoulders the responsibility of figuring out the lesson alone. He saw this as the only mark of a true student. He also expected to be physically reprimanded.

What I see is that the best learning comes out of cooperative education and out of creative learning environments where the lesson integrates with life lessons, builds social stature and touches upon current trends.

Here are nine sample lessons that could fit into the technological and creative pace of our current world.

1. Have students make individual videos or one group video showing a segment of history. This leaves the subject matter open and stimulates the imagination. An example of this is to film an ant walking up the building, the falling of a leaf in autumn from tree to ground or some group project that is more involved. If no equipment is available, students can act out the material and record it on paper. Or call a local law firm and ask them to donate or let you borrow a video camera.

2. Take students on a photographic field trip. If there is no means for bus transportation, the field trip can be as far as around the building or on the school grounds. The theme can be about measurement, for example, if it is a math lesson. The photos would show the angles of bridges, the slope of a roof, the uprightness of a telephone pole, the angle of twigs in a bird’s nest. The photos would then be exhibited in a photo gallery where each student would get to invite parents or other meaningful adults. Inviting “others” insures there is a support system so that the event is not traumatic for students whose families don’t usually participate or do not exist. The presence of other significant adults, including other teachers, coaches, clergy, social workers, tutors, would allow for each student to be supported and for no one to feel alone. If there are no cameras available, a local camera store might be willing to provide a loan. Or Canon might participate with a loan or a gift to enhance the lives of your students who could pass on the cameras to every class in the school, if necessary.

3. Create a social issue in the classroom that requires a judge and a jury, such as trying a thief who stole to feed her/his family. Have students act out the parts of each role. Have students take turns being “innocent” and “guilty,” judge and jury. Then, take a field trip to the courthouse or local magistrate. Arrange to sit in on a session or, structure prohibiting that, have the magistrate talk about justice and our American way.

4a. Create a mock central market in the classroom where students buy and sell wares and practice their math skills. Have the money they use in this market be based upon tokens that they have earned through a Good Samaritan program in the classroom. Those who help another during the day get a token. The program develops citizenship, planning and math. Then, take the students out on a field trip and give them each a dollar that you get from petty cash or your pocket. No student money should be used. Only the dollar that you give the student. The mission: see who can bring back the most items for one dollar. Thus, we include budgeting as part of the lesson.

4b. Create a mini stock exchange in the classroom. Use large beans to buy and sell shares. Have a professional trader come to explain basic concepts.

5. Have each student write a poem that rhymes. Then call a local rock star or rap star to come in and turn the poem into a song that the whole class learns. Yes, the music teacher could lead this activity, but celebrity sells in business and education and invites the juices of creativity to flow in the classroom, instills confidence and will involve community celebrities in the betterment of education.

6a. Have a drum circle in the classroom. Call a local drummer to come in and lead. Teach three to five messages from old drum communication. Talk about communication through drumming and have each student drum one message that you have taught during this lesson. Have the others interpret the message.

6b. As a follow-up lesson, have a cell phone tech come in and talk about the method of cell tower transmission. Then talk about the differences in social communication between drumming and cell phones.

7. Have each student think up an example of how we use math in the world. Exclude being able to go buy something in a store, online or on the phone. Call a local app maker to donate an app that has the class photo and an individual photo with each student’s idea as part of an app that pulls up. Then have the app maker talk about the skills s/he had to acquire to learn app making.

8a. Pick a theme including success, education, happiness, for example. Have students create an abstract painting that represents this theme and have them present it. In-school project only, since some parents are not at home to help and some parents do the project for the student. Film the presentations as well as the creative process. Post the art on the classroom website. If there is no classroom website, call a local web person and ask if s/he will donate putting up (online) a page with the students’ presentations.

8b. Go to a local museum or research the art at the museum online and find art that represents the particular theme to each individual person.

9. Have a regular tea time once a week. This will develop unity of community. Call a local tea specialist to start you off with how to have tea and some of the history of tea. This quiet time will give the class a spirit of camaraderie while developing value for quiet reflection and experiencing its benefits.

To summarize, these ideas are samples, for different grades, different social climates. The idea is to give school value to the student, to make the lessons relevant to the life of the student, so that we increase the number of students in school and US educational rankings. How many times do we slack off on a task because it is not pleasing to us? And, yet, we slave away at another task because we like it. I remember working hard for my 6th grade teacher because one of the ways he showed he cared was by letting us get the school piano and wheel it into the classroom on Friday afternoons. Everyone sang; I got to play the piano and sing. This added value to education for everyone.

We even discussed the lyrics, which, I learned 12 years later, getting an M.A. in Music Therapy, had extreme importance in molding us. Which brings us to the next point: how do creative modules such as these fit into the present system? That is a discussion for the article titled Education 2.0: 5 Ways To Make Exceptional Lessons Of Yesterday The Educational Normal Of Today, soon to be published.

The most exhilarating part of teaching comes when the student receives the knowledge. Most of us in the profession enjoy the creativity it takes to teach, motivate and inspire. This is the skill set that builds value in the student.

Singing the education blues won’t work. Looking at charts of where we rank in the world education system can motivate but is not the answer: We need in-road builders to make these types of lessons the norm, rather than special events. It is one thing to offer an isolated lesson such as the photography trip in number 2. above. It is quite another to build this structure into our current educational infrastructure. Onward, teachers. Now is the time.

BBA: How Can a Degree in Marketing Help in Your Career?

Bachelors of Business Administration is a very common choice among people who are interesting in management. There are various kinds of BBA courses, some people opt to do a generic or a specialised course. If you are interested in marketing management, analysis of the market and advertising, you can do a specialised course of BBA in Marketing. The course helps develop communication skills along with quantitative analysis. There are standard subjects of management but the core focus is on marketing and advertising. Marketing is an important social process for any company as it helps them target the right and intended audience. It doesn’t mean selling but instead consists of economic activities like production of goods, merchandising function, physical distribution of goods, and many other supportive functions. It prepares a firm to act in times of distress and the individual is trained in how to undertake crucial tasks such as competitor analysis.What does the course teach?Marketing management deals with applying principles of management and business principles to promote and sell products or services. The evolved form of marketing management course also includes digital marketing along with the traditional forms. Managing the marketing is very important for any business. Every aspect including financial services like loans and banking require marketing. Through BBA students learn business processes and practices and understand how economics works in the world marketplace. It benefits the students by giving practical training in management which can help them to adjust and work in big or small organizations. The course is also very rewarding in terms of the perks, incentives and salary package and is therefore a preferred choice of career.Some of the subjects that the course teaches are:Organizational behaviourPrinciples of ManagementBusiness CommunicationMarketing ManagementMarketing ProcessMarketing EnvironmentTargeting and PositioningProduct ManagementBrand ManagementHR managementFinance managementPricingDistribution ManagementMarketing Information systemsConsumer BehaviourMarketing ResearchCustomer Relationship ManagementInternational Marketing ManagementThe course equips you in skills like decision making and management. The advantage of doing a BBA course is that you can get a job in any industry ranging from media to automotive or fashion. You can also opt for a job in private or public sector as everything requires marketing. Marketing also teaches you how to understand consumer behavior according to which the company changes their strategy.What is the scope of BBA Marketing in India?Students who have graduated with a marketing degree, they can make a career in sales as an executive or go into research analysis. The course usually requires students to write a thesis or a dissertation which can help in higher studies. You can opt for a generic or a specialised Masters in Business administration. Marketing is also offered as a specialised subject in masters. After pursuing your masters, you can work as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Operating Officer (COO). The most important thing is that any marketing manager needs to be use new business strategies and strategic tools, technology and processes and adapt to new situations.The research that you do in your bachelors can also helpful market analysis and studying the fluctuating market and making a strategy according to it. After their bachelors in business administration, some common careers may include the following:Sales managerPromotions managerPublic relations managerAdvertising managerMarketing managerMarketing strategistBrand managerPR specialistMarketing managerAdvertising professionalMarket analystSource by Stratford University

Deductions for Rental Property – Properly Claiming Tax Deductions

Buying and renting property is one of the fastest growing trends that people use to build wealth and those who successfully employ this strategy can create a better lifestyle. But part of being an effective real estate investor is knowing how to reduce taxes on rental income. The goal is to minimize taxes so that there is more money to reinvest at the end of the day. Here are three tips for reporting income from rental real estate on a tax return.Rental Income
One of the benefits of owning real estate is the income that landlords generate from rent. The payments increase taxable income so owners must keep an accurate record of rents and report the amounts for each property separately. The tax treatment for rental property depends on whether it is passive income, generated by a company that is in the business of renting personal property, and if the owner used the property at any time during the tax year for personal purposes. Each of these factors will impact taxes differently so be sure to have a good knowledge of the rules that apply.Rental Expenses
The costs of owning the rental property are allowable deductions. Owners can realize significant tax savings with good record-keeping and knowledge of tax guidelines. Three key rental expenses include:
Mortgage Interest. If there is a loan on the property the lender will send a Form 1098 at year-end. This is the statement that shows the amount for mortgage interest, deductible points, and property taxes paid through an escrow account.
Property Taxes. There are instances when property taxes will not be included on a Form 1098. For instance, the cash purchase of an investment property excludes the existence of a mortgage. In those instances, no escrow will be established. Instead, the property taxes will be paid directly by the owner. Refer to the property tax bill and payment receipts for amounts paid during the year. This will be key to reporting the deduction on the tax return. Additionally, investors should be careful to remove from their books any property that they sell or transfer during the year. Exclude those properties from tax returns in future years.
Other Deductions. By claiming property, investors can often lower taxable income with deductions such as depreciation, insurance, and maintenance costs.
These are just a few of the items that owners of rental property should track. To learn more about reporting rental income and expenses visit for a free tax organizer that will help maximize allowable deductions for greater tax savings.