The Best Email Marketing Tip Ever

Regardless if you have a small business that you want to bring to the internet, or you are just starting out and looking for a way to make some extra cash on the internet, email marketing is the smart way to go, and in this article I am going to give you what I consider to be the biggest email marketing tip that you will ever hear.

That may sound like a bogus claim, especially once you see how amazingly simple it is, but trust me… If you take this one simple email marketing tip to heart, then you are almost guaranteed to build a big online business.

So what is this big secret email marketing tip?

First you have to GIVE, and give GENEROUSLY, and THEN you can ASK.

That’s it. The big secret of all successful online entrepreneurs is that they have a relationship with their email list. That relationship is what transforms that list of worthless email addresses into a powerful asset that will pay you for the rest of your life.

In order to develop that relationship you must give that person a reason to know, like, and trust you. You can’t just ask for something and never give back in return. Unfortunately, many marketers quickly burn out their lists by doing this.

So the best email marketing tip that I can give you is the one above…

Write it down somewhere and put it where you can see it on a daily basis. When you make this “tip” more like a “rule”, I can almost guarantee that your relationship with your list will increase drastically.

And when your relationship with your list increases drastically, so does the amount of money you will make from that list.

I realize this sounds relatively simple, but from someone who earns a full time income from home (and has done things the wrong way before), please don’t take this email marketing tip lightly.